Programming the STM32 Mezzanine with Arm mbed online
- Make sure to properly setup the hardware and software as directed in the Getting Started Guide
- Power on you board, the ST-LINK LED should turn on Red
- Once the board is booted to Desktop, remove the jumper (Labeled JP5) right next to the micro-usb port.
- The ST-LINK LED should turn green
- A USB storage device with a label similar to “B96B-F446VE” should show up with a capacity of around 532Kb
- Open Up a browser and navigate to “”
- Login if you already have an id, or;
- Sign-up for a new one
- Once the IDE Open Up, on the Top-Right corner, click on “ST Platforms”
- Select Add Board
- From the list select “B96B-F446VE”
- Select “Add to your Mbed Compiler”
- Go Back to the Compiler Tab
- On the Top-Right corner, click on “ST Platforms”
- Select “B96B-F446VE” and then Select “Select Platform”
- Create a New Project by clicking the “New” button on the Top-Left corner
- Make sure the Following things are selected and click OK:
- Platform: “B96B-F446VE”
- Template: “Blinky LED test for the ST Nucleo Boards”
- Name: any name of your choice
- Enter Ctrl+D:
- IDE should start Compiling
- A .bin file should be downloaded
- Copy the .bin file to the USB storage device labeled “B96B-F446VE”
- This will flash the .bin file to the Mezzanine Automatically
- You should see the ST-LINK LED flash Green and Red for a few seconds and the LED Labeled D2 would start blinking
- Try out with other examples