I was trying to flash my hikey 960, but instead of setting switch 1 and 3 to ON (with 2 OFF), I set 1 and 2 to ON (with 3 OFF). I ran the flashing command:
$ sudo ./device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/flash-all.sh /dev/ttyUSB0
android out dir:./device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/…/…/…/…/…//out/target/product/hikey960
flashing recovery images… please wait ~10 seconds
Config name: ./device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/config
Port name: /dev/ttyUSB0
0: Image: device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/hisi-sec_usb_xloader.img Downalod Address: 0x20000
1: Image: device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/hisi-sec_uce_boot.img Downalod Address: 0x6a908000
2: Image: device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/recovery.bin Downalod Address: 0x1ac00000
Serial port open successfully!
Start downloading device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/hisi-sec_usb_xloader.img@0x20000…
file total size 99584
downlaod address 0x20000
Finish downloading
Start downloading device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/hisi-sec_uce_boot.img@0x6a908000…
file total size 23680
downlaod address 0x6a908000
Finish downloading
Start downloading device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/recovery.bin@0x1ac00000…
file total size 1179648
downlaod address 0x1ac00000
Finish downloading
set a unique serial number
The terminal remained stuck. I then realized that I may have set to switches incorrectly. In the README file it says “To boot into fastboot mode set switch 1 & 3 to ON state and switch 2 to OFF state.” I set the switch 1 and 3 to ON, with 2 OFF. When I power on with USB plugged in, I don’t see the /dev/ttyUSB* listing anymore, so I’m unable to flash.
How can I fix this ? Please help.