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Projects with 96Boards - 96Boards
Projects with 96Boards

Projects with 96Boards

The 96Boards projects that have been announced are shown below. Click on the links to find out more about the projects.

3D Printed Case image
3D Printed Case

Use OpenSCAD to create a 3D printed case for DragonBoard 410c. OpenSCAD is free software for creating solid 3D CAD...

96Brews image

Ricardo Salveti shared his recently converted home brewing operation. By taking a basic home brew system and adding a Consumer...

Accelerating Your Ultra96 Developments image
Accelerating Your Ultra96 D...

Learn how to use SDSoC to accelerate functions from the processors to the logic in the Ultra96!

Integrating Alexa & Ultra96 image
Integrating Alexa & Ultra96

Voice control using Alexa is popular for a number of applications. This project shows how to connect an Ultra96 (Arm...

Integrated Alexa and LIFX Bulb image
Integrated Alexa and LIFX Bulb

This project uses the DragonBoard™ 410C Development Board from Arrow Electronics integrated with Alexa Voice Services and LIFX light bulbs...

Amazon Alexa Virtual Device image
Amazon Alexa Virtual Device

This project aims to provide the ability to bring Alexa to a Linux device including embedded systems like the DragonBoard™...

Android TV - DragonBoard 410c image
Android TV - DragonBoard 410c

This project attempts to build Android TV on the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics. The main objective was to utilize...

AOSP TV Build image

Taking clues from how we used to build Android TV for the Raspberry Pi, I was able to get a...

Audio Mezzanine Board image
Audio Mezzanine Board

This project uses the 96Boards Audio Mezzanine Board and Alexa Voice Services to highlight the audio functionality of the DragonBoard™...

AutoBreathalyzer image

This project uses a STEREN digital Breathalyzer with the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics, and is designed to disable the...

Auto Luminosity image
Auto Luminosity

This project is using the DragonBoard 410c running Windows 10 IoT Core, an Android app to handle managing different lights...

AWS Greengrass image
AWS Greengrass

This project shows how to get Amazon Web Services (AWS) Greengrass Core up and running on a DragonBoard™ 410c development...

AWSIoT image

The DragonBoard™ 410c AWS IoT SDK kit includes applications that utilize the Amazon Web Services IoT. DragonPulse app utilizes NodeJS,...

BeeInformed image

BeeInformed This beekeeping environmental sensor prototype is intended to monitor environmental health where beehives are located. It aims to provide...

Bengala IoT (Walking stick) image
Bengala IoT (Walking stick)

Bengala IoT (Walking stick) According to IBGE, 6.2% of the population has some kind of physical disability. This project aims...

Training and Implementing a BNN Using Pynq image
Training and Implementing a...

Using Pynq, we can implement an accelerated AI/ML on an FPGA without writing a line of HDL! Let's take a...

Brace Yourself image
Brace Yourself

This guide will walk you through the steps required to build an "S.O.S.“, a bracelet that works as an emergency...

Breakerball image

This is a great demo of the simplicity and power of the DragonBoard 410c that would interest younger programmers.

Caffein-AI-tor image

Double deep learning CNNs with face and motion recognition, feeding predictive machine learning, to bring you the optimal caffein kick....

ComuniCibo image

Smart Cities need to focus on the interconnection of services for a better quality of life. It has been estimated...

Electrical Current Tracking image
Electrical Current Tracking

Do you want to know if a device went haywire or working just fine? In this project, a simple AI...

Deep learning with Snapdragon in Linux Debian image
Deep learning with Snapdrag...

The goal of this project is to try MobileNet Model (a convolutional Neural Network model for Mobile devices) for Object...

Digital Album image
Digital Album

This project is designed to read out images under the home partition and display them in a certain sequence to...

DLNA Media Server / Client Solutions image
DLNA Media Server / Client ...

If you live in the 21st century, you have hundreds if not thousands of photos, music, and movies sitting on...

Docker on AArch64 96Boards Consumer Edition image
Docker on AArch64 96Boards ...

Docker is “an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container.” It’s a very...

Dragon Wally image
Dragon Wally

Dragon Wally A computer vision based device with 2x5-megapixel auto-focus cameras (stereoscopic view) and machine learning API (facial recognition) Project...

Dragon Detector image
Dragon Detector

The DragonBoard™410c detects motion via an IR sensor and takes a photo via the webcam. The image is processed by...

Drona Rhythm image
Drona Rhythm

DronaRhythm is an audio control system designed to allow drones to be virtually always-on, and respond to their environment in...

e-BillBreaker image

e-BillBreaker was created during an IoT Hackathon challenge organized by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. in Brazil. The objective of the project...

Emulating BLE Heart Rate Sensor image
Emulating BLE Heart Rate Se...

This project shows how to read values from a Bluetooth Low Energy device CSR1010 using DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics....

AI Facial Recognition WiFi Lock image
AI Facial Recognition WiFi ...

Using facial recognition to unlock a deadbolt through Netduino WiFi.

Flame Recognition image
Flame Recognition

Using the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics, this project is designed to acquire images of the surrounding environment using the...

Gumstix Gadget Drone image
Gumstix Gadget Drone

Gumstix has put together a working 96Boards drone using the Qualcomm DragonBoard 410c and the AeroCore 2 Mezzanine from Gumstix....

GPIO STEM Workshop image
GPIO STEM Workshop

How can students aspire to jobs they don’t know exist? That is the challenge that the UK charity STEM Team...

Hand Gesture Recognition image
Hand Gesture Recognition

The project is designed to implement a program that can recognize simple hand gestures of rock, paper and scissors on...

Report IP Address During Headless Boot image
Report IP Address During He...

Report IP Address During Headless Boot is a method to run the DragonBoard™ 410c in headless mode (with no monitor...

Home Automation image
Home Automation

The aim of this workshop, created for an event at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is to familiarize students...

Home Lights image
Home Lights

This project is for the Smart Cities Hackathon. The project objetive was to find a way to control your lights...

I2C Accelerometer image
I2C Accelerometer

Connect an I2C accelerometer to a DragonBoard™ 410c and create a simple app to read data from it. Step-by-step guidance,...

IBM Watson IoT Platform Service image
IBM Watson IoT Platform Ser...

There is a three Step Process to connect the DragonBoard 410c to the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Prepare the...

IBM Watson IoT Platform Sensor Reading image
IBM Watson IoT Platform Sen...

This project is part of a technical workshop at IBM InterConnect 2016. The slide deck from this workshop provides an...

Janus, Roman God of Doors image
Janus, Roman God of Doors

This project was designed with backwards compatibility in mind. With technology evolving rapidly, there are people in parts of our...

Running KVM on HiKey image
Running KVM on HiKey

For some releases now, KVM – the virtualization infrastructure that turns the Linux kernel into an hypervisor- has been available...

Laser Imaging and Modeling image
Laser Imaging and Modeling

The project is designed to adopt laser imaging in combination with software developed on the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics...

Machine Learning at the Edge with Xilinx DNN Developer Kit image
Machine Learning at the Edg...

Programmable logic can accelerate machine learning inference. Let's take a look at how we can use the Xilinx DNNDK to...

Magic Check-in Clock image
Magic Check-in Clock

Build a passive information display to quickly view information as opposed to opening an app on your phone or computer....

Model Railway Control image
Model Railway Control

This project shows you how to configure the DragonBoard 410c to allow it to control a model railway using DCC...

Mosquitto image

Demonstrates the use of mosquitto as a broker and paho as a client for MQTT messages. MQTT messages are published...

The Needy Trashcan image
The Needy Trashcan

This project was created during a Hackathon challenge organized for the H.A.R.D hack at University of California, San Diego. It...

NFC Smart Access Control System image
NFC Smart Access Control Sy...

Many large office buildings allow entry by door access control systems using RFID modules. An NFC module is typically more...

OxusR – Content Optimization image
OxusR – Content Optimization

OxusR is a Digital Signage project that is designed to optimize bandwidth consumption by avoiding redundant downloads on the same...

PassMe image

The intention of this project was to build a smart network for private neighborhoods so residents can send a signal...

Project BIG Button image
Project BIG Button

Using a 96Boards DragonBoard 410c, several micro:bit microcontrollers, a driver board, some BIG buttons and various miscellaneous wires and tools,...

Remote Monitoring Project image
Remote Monitoring Project

This project is designed to implement remote monitoring on the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics. A picture can be taken...

Remote Video Monitoring and Target Tracking image
Remote Video Monitoring and...

This project aims to implement video acquisition by using a USB camera and provide web access using Wi-Fi communication on...

ReSeNi image

ReSeNi A Smart City application for monitoring level in water reservoirs and trash cans arround the city using a low-power...

Ripe Fruit Identification image
Ripe Fruit Identification

Ripe fruit identification using an Ultra96 board and OpenCV.

ROS prototype to production on Ubuntu Core image
ROS prototype to production...

Follow along in this five-part series as Kyle takes you from creating a Robot Operating System (ROS) prototype on classic...

ROV with Windows 10 IoT Core image
ROV with Windows 10 IoT Core

ROV 10 is inspired by the OpenROV project and demonstrates how to use Windows 10 IOT Core in a remote...

Safe2Med image

Safe2Med This project aims to minimize the error in the administration of medicines and at the same time allow a...

S.A.M. (Smart Assistant Mirror) image
S.A.M. (Smart Assistant Mir...

Since the ancient Egypt, the mirror has been used for personal grooming and admiring oneself, but now we want to...

Seeing Eye Robot image
Seeing Eye Robot

The Seeing Eye Robot is a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Micro Rover from Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. powered by a DragonBoard™ 410c that...

Sensor Demo image
Sensor Demo

With the simple connection of some wires and sensors, you’ll be able to control virtual 3D objects by having them...

Smart Boiler image
Smart Boiler

Smart Boiler is a Technological project developed in Tecnológico de Monterrey (Campus Chihuahua) by a group of students currently becoming...

Smart Cap image
Smart Cap

Smart Cap is an assistant for the visually impaired that is designed to narrate the description of a scene via...

Smart Grids and Energy Meters image
Smart Grids and Energy Meters

This project aims to implement a smart grid system using DragonBoard™ 410c, Bluetooth® Low Energy Beacons and Current Accumulators. It...

Smart Lighting Management System image
Smart Lighting Management S...

This project is designed to connect lighting systems from different areas, such as home, office building and hotel, to the...

Smart Weather Display System image
Smart Weather Display System

This project is a smart home system design based on the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics. It utilizes the DragonBoard...

Sunlight Sensor image
Sunlight Sensor

This project measures Ultra Violet (UV) index, infrared and visible light using sensors connected to the DragonBoard 410c. Sensor data...

Super Parking image
Super Parking

This project is for the Smart Cities Hackathon. The main point of doing this project learn how to use the...

Surfboard Data Feeder image
Surfboard Data Feeder

Surfboard Data Feeder This projects aims to couple electronic devices to a surfboard in order to collect data that can...

Tetris image

This project tries to revive a classic game by adopting java and JVM running on the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow...

Tourmalet image

Portable Multimedia player with a 1080p touchscreen using Dragonboard410c

TurtleBot 2e image
TurtleBot 2e

The TurtleBot 2e is a new revision of the TurtleBot that uses a single board computer (SBC) such as the...

Fit Turtle Posture Robot image
Fit Turtle Posture Robot

Fit Turtle is designed to use the Kinect to extract a skeleton model of your body and analyze the alignment...

Typing Game image
Typing Game

A typing game for the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics that utilizes java language and JVM. This game is designed...

Ultra96 Skin Cancer AI image
Ultra96 Skin Cancer AI

Using Ultra96 and NCS to detect and classify skin cancer.

Ultra96 Fan Control image
Ultra96 Fan Control

Changing the BSP to stop that pesky fan running at full speed.

IoT Ultra96 Temperature Monitor Using IFTTT image
IoT Ultra96 Temperature Mon...

IoT is a hot topic for Ultra96 developers. This project shows how to connect to IoT infrastructure and integrate with...

Ultrasonic Fan Control image
Ultrasonic Fan Control

This project is designed to use the DragonBoard™ 410c from Arrow Electronics with a HS-100 ultrasonic module to detect the...

Vision 4all image
Vision 4all

This project aims to implement vision assistive technology using DragonBoard™ 410c, OpenCV and Android applications. It uses computer vision and...

Webcam Access on a Web Browser image
Webcam Access on a Web Browser

Based on the DragonBoard™ 410c development board from Arrow Electronics, a demo for image acquisition and web release was developed...

Windows IoT – Connecting to Network image
Windows IoT – Connecting to...

Set up a network connection between your DragonBoard™ 410c and your development computer enabling installation of applications, file copying, or...