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OpenHours #63 - Brazil Partners and 96Boards take of <strong>qualcomm</strong> Thinkabit lab - OpenHours - 96Boards Forum

OpenHours #63 - Brazil Partners and 96Boards take of qualcomm Thinkabit lab

OpenHours Episode #63 - Next time in OpenHours, we will be joined (in person/on site) by all the winners from the Brazilian Partnership Program and their entourage! In person and live, you can join in on the fun as we take over the qualcomm Thinkabit lab on qualcomm campus San Diego, California! Our seasoned OpenHours engineer (Rajan), former featured participant and event oraganizer (Bruno Evangelista), Embarcados CMO (Thiago Lima), and the group of winners will join us to share their experience in organizing, running, and participating in this amazing new way to hack on the 96Boards platform and contribute to the greater community in a positive way. Keep an eye on the countdown, we will be there when the clocks hits zeros!

Video has already been posted to YouTube, check it out!