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Mezzanine sensor board - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

Mezzanine sensor board

I just the mezzanine sensor board for the Dragon Board. I was looking at the instructions and it says to get the latest version of debian. I was hoping to use Android for the Dragon Board. Could I use ADB to get to a shell and run the examples or do I have to have debian?

Hi David:

The Mezzanine works with either operating system, however the documentation was all written assuming debian. If you use debian, it works pretty easily, just follow the examples. The only “difficulty” I have had using Android is getting code uploaded to the Arduino on the sensors board. There is a great tool for developing Arduino code under Android (ArduinoDroid) but it will only upload to a WiFi,BT or USB connected Arduino. In our case the Arduino is directly connected to /dev/ttyHSL0, and the tool doesn’t give you the option of opening a /dev/ttyXXX port. I did send an email to the creator of the tool (Anton Smirnov), but I haven’t heard back from him to see if he would add support for us.

The workaround for Android is to use an Arduino USB programmer tool connected to the 6-pin programming connector on the Sensors Mezzanine card and one of the USB ports on the 410c. Not an elegant solution, but it works.

Full Disclosure: I am an employee of Qualcomm Canada, any opinions I may have expressed in this or any other post may not reflect the opinions of my employer.

I am using the mezzanine with Android, no problems.
Of course the Arduino programming is an issue with Android.
Regarding the comment of Ljking. Sorry but I do not understand why using the 6-pin connector (P6) is “not elegant” :slight_smile:
In my opinion, and all respect of his comment, I think it will be the best way to program the Arduino.
The PC is more powerful, flexible and “elegant” to program the Arduino with its IDE.
Some developers confirm to me that the ISP programming works fine on P6.
This was on discussion on the 96Boards OpenHours last Thursday. (This event is running for anyone every Thursday)
Did not try it yet. Ordered my ISP programmer recently.

I think I understand.
So for developing, I could get an Arduino USB programmer tool and plug it in to the sensor board on P6. Then plug the the USB part into my computer. Then I could use the Ardunio IDE to develop the scratches and push them to the board.
Then once I have a working product, I could plug the UBS part of the Arduino USB programmer tool into one of the USB ports on the DragonBoard. Then the DragonBoard could send the scratch program to the sensor board when it boots up.

Hi David:

You have it ‘almost’ correct. you can do your Arduino code development right on the DragonBoard and use the USB cable to upload code from the DragonBoard to the Arduino on the Mezzanine card. Or you can do your Arduino code development on a host PC and upload the code to the Arduino with the USB cable as you have suggested. Once the code is running on the Arduino you no longer need the USB cable, the console output of the Arduino is still connected to the DragonBoard and you can interact with the Arduino through the /dev/ttyHSL0 port.

I called this “not very elegant” because you need an additional piece of equipment (the USB programmer cable) to use the Sensors Mezzanine with Andriod, but you do not need the programming cable when doing development under debian.

Is anyone up to the challenge of porting the avrdude program to Android?

Full Disclosure: I am an employee of Qualcomm Canada, any opinions I may have expressed in this or any other post may not reflect the opinions of my employer.

Reading above I get a bit confused sorry. :smiley:
If you use the DragonBoard in Android OS. (Not debian)
What I simply would do is develop the sketch to the PC. Then just plug the ISP-AVR (the programmer) to P6.
And here load my sketch. No USB involved beside the ISP-AVR one.

I will add some more:
Programming with P6 and the ISP-AVR mean programming Arduino directly and not using the bootloader (warning)

The limitation is that we probably will have to manage the 5VDC because we will have two 5VDC coming, in the one from the programmer and the one from the Dragonboard.
I would suggest not to plug the one from the programmer but I still will have to test this since I do not have my ISP-AVR yet.

Does this sound OK?

Confirm all above.
I received my USBTinyISP. (ISP-AVR as I named it above).
Bought this just a few bucks.
The board came with connectors and the 6p flat cable, has already the 5 VDC jumper to disable the power out.

Had to find the correct driver for my Windows 10 PC. Found this at Sparkfun (thank you :-))
Used AVRDUDE to check the connection. OK.
Then used the Arduino IDE to program an .ino file. OK as well.
All OK :slight_smile:

Thank you Ljking your message mentioning the port number /dev/ttyHSL0 helped,

I tested the port /dev/ttyHSL0 with Android and could pass ma data thru.
I used ADB/shell and echo my message to that port. I received it back to the sensor mezzanine micro USB.
I would never have guessed this was the port number… :slight_smile:

Do you know (or anyone know) what port is the ttyHS0?

I noticed also messages data coming to the ttyHSL0 (ex. binder: 4507: binder_alloc_buf, no vma)
Anyone know why are these messages coming out?
What process is using the ttyHSL0?

Never mind I found my questions answers while testing the serial port and reading more forum threads:

  • ttyHSL0 is linked to Uart1 and is the Android console and we can use it as the shell when using ADB thru the DragonBoard.
    To bad I thought I could use this serial port for any app.

  • ttyHS0 seems to be linked to Uart0.