Build & Update Linux kernel on hikey970
This page provides the instructions for building and deploying linux kernel on hikey970 from x86 host machine.
NOTE: This instruction is to be used only after or during building AOSP
Prepare Tools and Files
- Build Ramdisk
$ make -j$(nproc) ramdisk
- Create Tools Folder
- Create a “tools” folder in the same level directory of the “linux” directory.
$ cd kernel $ mkdir tools
- Create a “tools” folder in the same level directory of the “linux” directory.
- Copy ramdisk.img and mkbootimg to the Tools Directory
- Copy the compiled ramdisk.img into the tools directory.
$ cp ../out/target/product/hikey970/ramdisk.img tools/
- Copy the compiled ramdisk.img into the tools directory.
- Modify the Compilation Script
- Create the “” file, then copy the contents of the following text box and save it.
#!/bin/bash DTB=1 LOCAL_DIR=$(pwd) KERNEL_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR}/hikey-linaro/ PRODUCT_OUT=${LOCAL_DIR}/../out/target/product/hikey970/ GEN_IMAGES_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR}/tools hikey970_KERNEL=${LOCAL_DIR}/tools CURRENT_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR} NCPU=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` if [ ! -e ${PRODUCT_OUT} ] then mkdir -p ${PRODUCT_OUT} fi export MINI_SYS=true export ARCH=arm64 check_build_result() { if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[31m $1 build fail! \033[0m" exit -1 else echo -e "\033[32m $1 build success! \033[0m" fi } if [ "${MINI_SYS}" != true ]; then source ./build/ && lunch hikey970-userdebug && make -j$[NCPU*2] $2 check_build_result "Android System" fi cd ${KERNEL_DIR} make hikey970_defconfig && \ make -j$[NCPU*2] Image.gz modules check_build_result "Kernel Image" rm -f arch/arm64/configs/hikey970_temp_defconfig cp arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz ${hikey970_KERNEL} if [ $DTB -eq 1 ]; then make hisilicon/kirin970-hikey970.dtb check_build_result "hikey970 dtb" cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/kirin970-hikey970.dtb ${hikey970_KERNEL} fi cd ${CURRENT_DIR} if [ ${need_repack_userdata} ]; then make -j$[NCPU*2] userdataimage-nodeps check_build_result "hikey970 need repack userdataimage" fi if [ "${MINI_SYS}" = true ]; then RAMDISK=${GEN_IMAGES_DIR}/ramdisk.img else RAMDISK=${PRODUCT_OUT}/ramdisk.img if [ ! -e $RAMDISK ]; then echo -e "\033[33m $RAMDISK is not exist! please build ramdisk first. \033[0m" echo -e "\033[33m . ./build/ && lunch hikey960-userdebug && make ramdisk \033[0m" exit -1 fi fi #uefi boot.img = Image + dtb + ramdisk cat ${KERNEL_DIR}/arch/arm64/boot/Image ${KERNEL_DIR}/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/kirin970-hikey970.dtb > ${hikey970_KERNEL}/Image-dtb check_build_result "Image-dtb" mkbootimg --kernel ${hikey970_KERNEL}/Image-dtb --ramdisk ${RAMDISK} --cmdline "androidboot.hardware=hikey970 firmware_class.path=/system/etc/firmware loglevel=15 buildvariant=userdebug androidboot.selinux=permissive clk_ignore_unused=true" --base 0x0 --tags_offset 0x07A00000 --kernel_offset 0x00080000 --ramdisk_offset 0x07c00000 --output ${PRODUCT_OUT}/boot.img check_build_result "Boot Image" echo -e "\033[36m build boot.img complete! \033[0m"
- Create the “” file, then copy the contents of the following text box and save it.
Build the Linux Kernel
$ export ARCH=arm64
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-android-
$ ./
After the compilation is completed, the boot.img can be generated under “out/target/product/hikey970”.