I am download current aosp repository(20181024 repo sync) to build image for hikey.
I have flash image to the board.
But it stuck in boot stage.
Thanks for any suggest.
Below is kernel log, zygote and other service received signal 9 and terminate.
45.470852] init: Untracked pid 2732 exited with status 0
[ 45.476666] init: Service 'surfaceflinger' (pid 2712) received signal 11
[ 45.482434] binder: release 2712:2712 transaction 5189 in, still active
[ 45.482440] binder: release 2712:2712 transaction 5186 out, still active
[ 45.482446] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5189 to 2698:2698
[ 45.482882] binder: 2698:2698 transaction failed 29189/0, size 4-0 line 2945
[ 45.482933] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5186, target dead
[ 45.517900] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'surfaceflinger' (pid 2712) process group...
[ 45.526701] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 2712 in 0ms
[ 45.535435] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'zygote' (pid 2682) process group...
[ 45.569657] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 2682 in 26ms
[ 45.579030] init: Service 'zygote' (pid 2682) received signal 9
[ 45.585978] init: Command 'write /sys/power/state on' action=onrestart (<Service 'zygote' onrestart>:2) took 0ms and failed: Unable to write to file '/sys/power/state': Unable to write file contents: Invalid argument
[ 45.605568] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'audioserver' (pid 2709) process group...
[ 45.624835] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1041 pid 2709 in 10ms
[ 45.633598] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'cameraserver' (pid 2715) process group...
[ 45.647410] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1047 pid 2715 in 5ms
[ 45.655949] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'media' (pid 2716) process group...
[ 45.669135] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1013 pid 2716 in 5ms
[ 45.677651] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'netd' (pid 2684) process group...
[ 45.691566] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 2684 in 6ms
[ 45.699861] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'wificond' (pid 2722) process group...
[ 45.713267] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1010 pid 2722 in 5ms
[ 45.723399] init: Service 'netd' (pid 2684) received signal 9
[ 45.729481] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'zygote_secondary' (pid 2683) process group...
[ 45.765262] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 2683 in 27ms
[ 45.774328] init: Service 'zygote_secondary' (pid 2683) received signal 9
[ 45.783076] init: Service 'vendor.hwcomposer-2-1' (pid 2698) received signal 11
[ 45.790548] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'vendor.hwcomposer-2-1' (pid 2698) process group...
[ 45.799963] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 2698 in 0ms
[ 45.810616] init: Service 'audioserver' (pid 2709) received signal 9
[ 45.817139] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'vendor.audio-hal-2-0' (pid 2685) process group...
[ 45.831686] libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1041 pid 2685 in 5ms
[ 45.840318] init: Command 'restart audio-hal-2-0' action=onrestart (<Service 'audioserver' onrestart>:2) took 0ms and failed: service audio-hal-2-0 not found
[ 45.855913] init: Service 'vendor.audio-hal-2-0' (pid 2685) received signal 9
[ 45.864474] init: Service 'cameraserver' (pid 2715) received signal 9
[ 45.871988] init: Service 'media' (pid 2716) received signal 9
[ 45.878961] init: Service 'wificond' (pid 2722) received signal 9
[ 45.885953] init: Untracked pid 2734 exited with status 0
[ 45.891535] init: Untracked pid 2769 exited with status 0
[ 45.897244] init: Untracked pid 2771 exited with status 0
[ 45.903123] init: Untracked pid 2735 received signal 9
[ 45.908505] init: Untracked pid 2686 received signal 9
[ 45.914003] init: Untracked pid 2687 received signal 9
[ 45.920331] init: processing action (init.svc.zygote=stopping) from (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc:66)
And below is logcat msg, it seems failure occurred in initial HAL.
01-01 00:03:35.044 5847 5847 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-01 00:03:35.044 5847 5847 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Android/hikey/hikey:Q/PI/yuhsien10250957:userdebug/test-keys'
01-01 00:03:35.044 5847 5847 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-01 00:03:35.044 5847 5847 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : pid: 5773, tid: 5814, name: HwBinder:5773_2 >>> /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service <<<
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x0 00000071ee87a700 x1 0000000000000000 x2 0000000000000001 x3 0000000000000000
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x4 0064657374000000 x5 0000000080000000 x6 1101041300000000 x7 0000008013040111
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x8 00000071ee830c40 x9 ecf92170a970d70b x10 000000716d24fc80 x11 000000000000001b
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x12 000000716d24fdb8 x13 0000000000000003 x14 0000000000000008 x15 00001192b2aaa378
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x16 00000071ee476ef0 x17 00000071ee46a670 x18 0000000000000000 x19 0000000000000000
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x20 00000071ee87a700 x21 00000071ee850200 x22 0000000000000001 x23 000000716d250588
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x24 00000071ee830c80 x25 00000071ee830c40 x26 000000716d34e588 x27 00000071eee5cfc0
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : x28 0000000000000000 x29 000000716d2501b0
01-01 00:03:35.045 5847 5847 F DEBUG : sp 000000716d250150 lr 00000071ee46a720 pc 0000000000000000
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG :
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000000000 <unknown>
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000001c71c /vendor/lib64/hw/hwcomposer.drm.so (android::DrmHwcTwo::RegisterCallback(int, void*, void (*)())+172)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000000000001e7b0 /vendor/lib64/hw/hwcomposer.drm.so (_ZN7android9DrmHwcTwo10DeviceHookIiMS0_FN4HWC25ErrorEiPvPFvvEEXadL_ZNS0_16RegisterCallbackEiS4_S6_EEJiS4_S6_EEET_P11hwc2_deviceDpT2_+8)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000000000007c4c /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-impl.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::passthrough::detail::HwcHalImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::hal::ComposerHal>::unregisterEventCallback()+36)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #04 pc 000000000000bbbc /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-impl.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::hal::detail::ComposerClientImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposerClient, android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::hal::ComposerHal>::~ComposerClientImpl()+100)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #05 pc 000000000000bb3c /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-impl.so (_ZTv0_n24_N7android8hardware8graphics8composer4V2_13hal6detail18ComposerClientImplINS3_15IComposerClientENS4_11ComposerHalEED0Ev+36)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000000f540 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libutils.so (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+112)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000007bf08 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libhidltransport.so (android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase::~BnHwBase()+192)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #08 pc 000000000003697c /system/lib64/vndk-Q/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::BnHwComposerClient::~BnHwComposerClient()+196)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000036adc /system/lib64/vndk-Q/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so (_ZTv0_n24_N7android8hardware8graphics8composer4V2_118BnHwComposerClientD0Ev+36)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #10 pc 000000000000f540 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libutils.so (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+112)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000015fd8 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::processPendingDerefs()+88)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #12 pc 000000000001610c /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0000000000020e30 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop()+24)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #14 pc 0000000000013638 /system/lib64/vndk-sp-Q/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+296)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #15 pc 00000000000a6894 /system/lib64/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
01-01 00:03:35.068 5847 5847 F DEBUG : #16 pc 0000000000046c8c /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+68)
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Android/hikey/hikey:Q/PI/yuhsien10250957:userdebug/test-keys'
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : pid: 5865, tid: 5865, name: surfaceflinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xc
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
01-01 00:03:39.646 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x0 0000007e8543c3c0 x1 0000007ff1d09970 x2 0000000000000004 x3 0000000000000003
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x4 0000000000000000 x5 8080800000800000 x6 fefeff7e05ff7164 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000000 x9 0000007f05c21728 x10 0000007ff1d09b20 x11 0000000000000037
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x12 0000007ff1d09c58 x13 ffffffffffffffff x14 0000000000000004 x15 ffffffffffffffff
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x16 0000007f064da398 x17 0000007f06be54c0 x18 0000000000000000 x19 0000007e85513000
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000000000 x21 0000007e85513610 x22 00000000ffffffff x23 0000007f0762a580
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x24 0000000000000000 x25 0000000000000060 x26 0000007e8547cc6c x27 0000007f0669d008
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : x28 0000007e8545b000 x29 0000007ff1d0a160
01-01 00:03:39.647 5909 5909 F DEBUG : sp 0000007ff1d0a110 lr 0000007f065cb328 pc 0000007f065cb334
01-01 00:03:39.673 5909 5909 F DEBUG :
01-01 00:03:39.673 5909 5909 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-01 00:03:39.673 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000084334 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::FramebufferSurface::FramebufferSurface(android::HWComposer&, int, android::sp<android::IGraphicBufferConsumer> const&)+292)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00000000000bf5f0 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::SurfaceFlinger::processDisplayChangesLocked()+2256)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000000b7184 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::SurfaceFlinger::processDisplayHotplugEventsLocked()+1020)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000000b91c8 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::SurfaceFlinger::onHotplugReceived(int, unsigned long, HWC2::Connection)+344)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #04 pc 0000000000088ab4 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN4HWC212_GLOBAL__N_122ComposerCallbackBridge9onHotplugEmN7android8hardware8graphics8composer4V2_117IComposerCallback10ConnectionE$a5b8efe6c13b353e4aafd2b294349a04+36)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000000000028020 /system/lib64/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::BnHwComposerCallback::_hidl_onHotplug(android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase*, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+208)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000028ba8 /system/lib64/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::BnHwComposerCallback::onTransact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+680)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000000000015a34 /system/lib64/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+508)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #08 pc 000000000001668c /system/lib64/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::waitForResponse(android::hardware::Parcel*, int*)+148)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000012554 /system/lib64/libhwbinder.so (android::hardware::BpHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+132)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #10 pc 000000000002e2b8 /system/lib64/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::BpHwComposerClient::_hidl_registerCallback(android::hardware::IInterface*, android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor*, android::sp<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposerCallback> const&)+392)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #11 pc 000000000007b894 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::Hwc2::impl::Composer::registerCallback(android::sp<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposerCallback> const&)+44)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000000851b8 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (HWC2::Device::registerCallback(HWC2::ComposerCallback*, int)+200)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00000000000b64d8 /system/lib64/libsurfaceflinger.so (android::SurfaceFlinger::init()+1000)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #14 pc 00000000000036a4 /system/bin/surfaceflinger (main+316)
01-01 00:03:39.674 5909 5909 F DEBUG : #15 pc 00000000000d3844 /system/lib64/libc.so (__libc_init+100)