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<strong>dragonboard</strong> boot issues - <strong>dragonboard</strong>410c - 96Boards Forum

dragonboard boot issues

I’m able to see my board in fastboot devices and flash it using the ./flashall script (From inside dragonboard410c_bootloader_emmc_android-40) but once everything is done and I toggle the power, nothing seems to happen on the board. Zero LEDs come on, the HDMI display does not come on and it appears dead. Any ideas based on commands and output from below?

i am running
fastboot flash partition gpt_both0.bin
fastboot flash hyp hyp.mbn
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sec sec.dat
fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn

Android (for some reasons) have bak partition with duplicate…

fastboot flash sbl1bak sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash hypbak hyp.mbn
fastboot flash rpmbak rpm.mbn
fastboot flash tzbak tz.mbn
fastboot flash abootbak emmc_appsboot.mbn

fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase devinfo
fastboot erase persist

fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash cache cache.img
fastboot flash persist persist.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot flash recovery

in terminal i am seeing the below output which looks like everything is flashing fine:

target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘partition’ (33 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.006s]
writing ‘partition’…
OKAY [ 0.280s]
finished. total time: 0.287s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘hyp’ (56 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.007s]
writing ‘hyp’…
OKAY [ 0.009s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘modem’ (19505 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.727s]
writing ‘modem’…
OKAY [ 0.349s]
finished. total time: 1.076s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘rpm’ (151 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.011s]
writing ‘rpm’…
OKAY [ 0.011s]
finished. total time: 0.022s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘sbl1’ (246 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.015s]
writing ‘sbl1’…
OKAY [ 0.024s]
finished. total time: 0.039s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘sec’ (0 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.004s]
writing ‘sec’…
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.011s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘tz’ (472 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.026s]
writing ‘tz’…
OKAY [ 0.015s]
finished. total time: 0.041s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘aboot’ (726 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.037s]
writing ‘aboot’…
OKAY [ 0.022s]
finished. total time: 0.059s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘sbl1bak’ (246 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.016s]
writing ‘sbl1bak’…
OKAY [ 0.010s]
finished. total time: 0.026s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘hypbak’ (56 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.006s]
writing ‘hypbak’…
OKAY [ 0.008s]
finished. total time: 0.015s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘rpmbak’ (151 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.010s]
writing ‘rpmbak’…
OKAY [ 0.009s]
finished. total time: 0.019s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘tzbak’ (472 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.021s]
writing ‘tzbak’…
OKAY [ 0.015s]
finished. total time: 0.036s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘abootbak’ (726 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.030s]
writing ‘abootbak’…
OKAY [ 0.019s]
finished. total time: 0.049s
erasing ‘boot’…
OKAY [ 0.038s]
finished. total time: 0.038s
erasing ‘recovery’…
OKAY [ 0.039s]
finished. total time: 0.039s
******** Did you mean to fastboot format this partition?
erasing ‘system’…
OKAY [ 0.077s]
finished. total time: 0.077s
******** Did you mean to fastboot format this partition?
erasing ‘userdata’…
OKAY [ 0.203s]
finished. total time: 0.203s
******** Did you mean to fastboot format this partition?
erasing ‘cache’…
OKAY [ 0.023s]
finished. total time: 0.023s
erasing ‘devinfo’…
OKAY [ 0.042s]
finished. total time: 0.042s
erasing ‘persist’…
OKAY [ 0.017s]
finished. total time: 0.017s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘boot’ (16185 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.595s]
writing ‘boot’…
OKAY [ 0.305s]
finished. total time: 0.900s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
erasing ‘cache’…
OKAY [ 0.023s]
sending ‘cache’ (6248 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.236s]
writing ‘cache’…
OKAY [ 0.139s]
finished. total time: 0.398s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘persist’ (4708 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.181s]
writing ‘persist’…
OKAY [ 0.278s]
finished. total time: 0.460s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
erasing ‘system’…
OKAY [ 0.120s]
sending sparse ‘system’ (260203 KB)…
OKAY [ 11.152s]
writing ‘system’…
OKAY [ 19.525s]
sending sparse ‘system’ (261451 KB)…
OKAY [ 11.695s]
writing ‘system’…
OKAY [ 20.007s]
sending sparse ‘system’ (180273 KB)…
OKAY [ 7.855s]
writing ‘system’…
OKAY [ 13.690s]
finished. total time: 84.044s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
erasing ‘userdata’…
OKAY [ 0.228s]
sending ‘userdata’ (125938 KB)…
OKAY [ 4.602s]
writing ‘userdata’…
OKAY [ 9.383s]
finished. total time: 14.212s
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘recovery’ (16833 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.625s]
writing ‘recovery’…
OKAY [ 1.236s]
finished. total time: 1.861s

Hi ,
The first Android boot after a complete flash takes some time so its better to wait for about 2-5 minutes. Eventhough HDMI doesnt work, Does adb devices show the device after 2-5 minutes ?

What is the Android release you are using ?

If you do not see adb devices showing the device even after 2-5 minutes, can you try installing using the SDCard method ?


I am using the recommended version (android-40) using the files directly from the AndroindUserGuide_dragonboard.pdf. Nothing shows up in ADB devices after 2-5 minutes. I am always able to get into fast boot and flash via normal method or SD Card method but after it flashes and I unplug the board and replug it back in, nothing comes up on main HDMI display, nothing shows up in ADB devices and no LEDS come on. I’ve tried waiting longer and re-flashing a few times and see no difference. I have no idea why…

hi any comment? I think I just got a bad board from the batch maybe.