I am developing multi-core’s bare-metal program for hikey board.
I done,
1. downlaod u-boot/arm-trusted-firmware(atf)/l-loader, and mcuimage.bin.
2. build u-boot.
3. build atf at BL30=mcuimage.bin BL33=u-boot.bin. (output is fip.bin)
4. build l-loader. (output is l-loader.bin)
5. burn to emmc l-loader.bin and fip.bin.
6. reboot a hikey board.
7. u-boot wakeup success.
My Bare-metal-program is called a PSCI. (X0:0xC4000003 X1:0x00000001, X2:execute_entry, X3:0x00000000)
download a program and run.
It is executed "hisi_ipc.c / hisi_ipc_cpu_on_off.
But not wakeup slave core. (not enter to “execute_entry”)
what problem?