Hello everyone,
I am working on a Debian-based Dragon Board (410C) system. That is a free-lancer/student project that I am developing on my car actually. The system will produce a touch screen that triggers some functions of a car. I am trying to hide the mouse cursor in my application. I tried such of ways to hide the cursor as installing application ‘unclutter’ and running it at startup file (.myxinitrc) with the command ‘unclutter -idle 0.1 -root’ and ended up with a working command, but no visual changes at all, but when I try the command on an another Debian-based ubuntu system, set the command to run at the startup, it hides the cursor as I want. I also tried to write option ‘.myxinitrc – -nocursor’ when I am calling my xinitrc file at the startup.
I think that maybe a graphical mouse cursor image (not an actual cursor) by the interface may cause the fail.
Please let me know what can I do about it.