I have purchased a dragonboard820c and the MIPI Adapter Mezzanine (V2.1) and I was hoping to be able to use the MIPI CSI channels with OV5645 camera modules. I’ve been working through the process of building debian for the 820c from source with changes to the kernel/aarch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/apq8016-sbc.dtsi file, changing the status of ov5645 mipi drivers from “diabled” to “okay”.
The issue I’ve had is in cross-compiling debian. Following the instructions here: Building Linux Kernel for dragonboard-820c - 96Boards
I’m downloading the toolchain from:
The issue I’m having is that after creating the boot image and flashing it to the 820c, the board won’t boot. I am able to flash the provided boot image (dragonboard 820c Debian - 96Boards) and boot everything just fine, but when I try to flash the compiled boot image I get nothing. I am using the provided alip rootfs from the above link with it, and I’m not sure on whether that needs extra configuration.
At this point any help on building from source for the dragonboard820c would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you