@doitright My bad. Thought I was dealing with someone who may be able to help me however I should have realized from other posts of yours on this discussion site that you weren’t really into helping people. It’s ok, helping others isn’t everyone’s strong suit. Sorry to have disturbed you.
@molejnik I have done the following:
I modified the manifest.xml file with the version 1.3 to comment out that entry. That file is external/wpa_supplicant_8/wpa_supplicant/hidl/1.3/manifest.xml
and it contains only a single hal
directive for the wifi.supplicant
Restarted the build and it failed again with a similar error this time with wifi.hostapd
again with a version difference, this time 1.1 versus 1.2.
checkvintf I 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 HostFileSystem.cpp:43] Fetch 'out/target/product/db410c/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd.xml': OK
checkvintf E 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 VintfObject.cpp:67] getDeviceHalManifest: status from fetching VINTF information: -2147483648
checkvintf E 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 VintfObject.cpp:68] getDeviceHalManifest: -2147483648 VINTF parse error: Cannot add manifest fragment /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd.xml: HAL "android.hardware.wifi.hostapd" has a conflict: Conflicting major version: 1.1 (from /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml) vs. 1.2 (from /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd.xml). Check whether or not multiple modules providing the same HAL are installed.
checkvintf E 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 check_vintf.cpp:464] Cannot fetch vendor manifest.
checkvintf I 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 check_vintf.cpp:467] Checking vendor matrix.
checkvintf I 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 VintfObject.cpp:57] getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix: Reading VINTF information.
checkvintf I 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 HostFileSystem.cpp:43] Fetch 'out/target/product/db410c/vendor/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.xml': OK
checkvintf I 11-20 08:35:37 41 41 VintfObject.cpp:63] getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix: Successfully processed VINTF information
08:35:39 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (01:11 (mm:ss)) ####
So in the file external/wpa_supplicant_8/hostapd/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd.xml
I made a similar change of commenting out the single hal
directive for wifi.hostapd
and once more restarted the build.
Now I have a failure which appears to be due to some missing content. There are a number of logs that show a status of OK and then there is this set of logs of HALs in device manifest not declared.
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 HostFileSystem.cpp:43] Fetch 'out/target/product/db410c/system/system_ext/etc/vintf/manifest.xml': OK
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 HostFileSystem.cpp:54] List 'out/target/product/db410c/system/product/etc/vintf/': NAME_NOT_FOUND
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:327] The following HALs in device manifest are not declared in FCM <= level 2:
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.audio.effect@4.0::IEffectsFactory/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.audio@4.0::IDevicesFactory/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1::IBluetoothHci/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.cas@1.2::IMediaCasService/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0::IAllocator/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1::IMapper/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.keymaster@3.0::IKeymasterDevice/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default
checkvintf I 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:330] android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default
checkvintf E 11-20 11:29:01 3558 3558 check_vintf.cpp:556] No such file or directory: Cannot find framework matrix at FCM version 2.: No such file or directory
[ 3% 582/17259] target Dex: Browser2
Warning: An API level of 1000 is not supported by this compiler. Please use an API level of 30 or earlier
11:29:05 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (02:03 (mm:ss)) ####
Interestingly enough the last two, android.hardware.wifi.hostapd
and android.hardware.wifi.supplicant
, involved the previous build failures where I commented out the later version of the hal
I’m going to take a look at some of the documentation such as Manifests | Android Open Source Project as well as HAL Introduction which describes the Hardware Abstraction Layer mechanism.