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410c Windows 10 IoT - Screen Resolution - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

410c Windows 10 IoT - Screen Resolution


I’m starting to trial the 410c as a possible platform for a new product. We are driving a 7" 1024x600 touchscreen. When I boot the 410c the display goes beyond the right-side and off the bottom of the screen. How do I set the screen display to 1024x600 for Windows IoT? Been googling but not found anything to help so far. Thanks in advance.


The “Windows 10 IoT MSDN Support Forum” is probably a better place to discuss Windows 10 IoT. You’ll be likely to attract more eyeballs on that site because there is a bigger community of Windows 10 IoT users hanging out there:

Hi Daniel,

Unfortunately the posts I’ve seen on that forum about Dragonboard 410c screen resolution in Win10 IoT just refer people for support here. So hoping someone on this forum can help.

Display support, with DB & Win10 IoT, has been problematic. I’ve tried multiple monitors (19" - 23") with little luck. Either I get nothing at all or in a couple instances, I’ve seen output as you’ve described. In fact, the only display I’ve had any success with is my 50" TV, via an HDMI connection. Admittedly, I haven’t tried a monitor, other than my TV, for the last couple revisions of Win10 IoT.

Hi Eric. Thanks for letting me know your experiences, very interesting. I’ve got it working ok on a TV too (a cheap 17" model) via HDMI.

The lack of info about this is somewhat concerning. If it is not possible currently then it would be useful to have a likely timescale of when it should be implemented. But I’ve not found that info on the web so far.

The Windows 10 IoT docs mention a command line utility to set the screen resolution. Open a remote PowerShell/SSH session to the board and run the command below.

SetDisplayResolution [width] [height]

Also, for what it’s worth, if you haven’t already you should also check to make sure you have the latest build for Windows 10 IoT (build 14393) installed on the board. There were a lot of changes that went into the anniversary update.

Side note: In the what’s new section for the Windows 10 IoT anniversary update they mention their Microsoft IoT Grove Kit which happens to include this 5" HDMI Display /w USB Touch Screen from Seed Studios. Since, Microsoft is including this screen in their official starter kit you may have better experience using it with Windows 10 IoT. I’ve got one on order myself from Digi-Key for my own experimentation.

Hi Erik,

Thanks for the info. Yes, I’m running latest Windows 10 IoT (build 14393) on the Dragonboard but worth checking as you say.

Thanks also about that command line to change res. It doesn’t work on the 410c though. Here’s what it says:

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator\Documents> SetDisplayResolution 1024 600

Set Display Resolution and Orientation
Your device only supports one display resolution
I can’t change the existing device resolution settings

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator\Documents>

The IoT Grove Kit does comes with that 5" (800x480) touchscreen but the kit is to go with a Raspberry Pi, not the Dragonboard 410c unfortunately (

I also have an RPi2 and an RPi3 - both work absolutely fine with our 7" touchscreen (1024x600). It’s only the Dragonboard 410c that seems unable to adjust its output resolution to anything except 720p. I hope you have some luck with the 800x480 touchscreen when you get it (I have a 800x480 5" OLED TV and the Dragonboard display fits on it - the TV scales the 720p HDMI signal, I assume - but normal size text is unreadable due to this scaling).

Got it. Short of Microsoft fixing the issue on their side, you may need to venture into some hackery to get things working. According to the DragonBoard Hardware Manual the ADV7533 is responsible for video resolution detection. It happens to be connected to I2C3 on the SoC to allow for user configuration including overriding the detected screen resolution. The only issues are getting access to I2C3 from Windows and figuring out the right registers to manipulate on the ADV7533. The Windows 10 IoT docs don’t mention I2C3 on their pin mappings for the Dragonboard. And getting access to the programming manual for the ADV7533 from the manufacturer seems to an exercise in futility as they consider the part NDA.

I’ve gone ahead and submitted a feedback item about this issue through Microsoft’s Feedback Hub. Go ahead an up vote it to raise visibility on the issue.

You’ll need to copy the following link in Edge on Windows 10 to open the feedback item: feedback-hub:?contextid=441&feedbackid=fce5e297-f884-4788-ae59-d6fb501f3991&form=1&src=2

Hi Erik,

Appreciate your responses. Hacking the registers on the ADV7533 isn’t an option for us so we will wait and see if it gets fixed. Thank you for submitting a feedback item on this to Microsoft. I will upvote it once I have sorted my Win 10 to allow leaving of feedback (I’m Insider but required privacy policies are greyed out at the mo.)

IS there any update on adding additional screen resolutions?

Looks like no update. Sort of doesn’t look like there will be an update. I’m to the point where I’m looking for 720p open frame touch screens to use. Does anyone know any good sources?

so theres new versions of windows iot out and it looks like they used the updated bsp but can somebody with a dragonboard confirm that 1080p works?

Confirmed, works. Instructions here. You need to put a file on a MicroSD card and insert that card into the DragonBoard so that it can be read while it boots. If the appropriate file is there at boot, the OS runs 1920x1080.

The file can be had here. Copying from a PDF is awful, but you can do that if you want. The PDF in question (look for Appendix D) mentions panelcfg.asl and the linked post mentioned panelcfg.xml so I just put both files on the SD card and gave them the same contents. That works.

The OS changes the DPI scaling a bit so it looks like a 1280x720 display at first glance, but it is 1920x1080 indeed. Here’s a screenshot. you can verify that it is indeed 1920x1080. If you zoom you will see that it is not scaled up.

This configuration change is a Qualcomm chipset thing, not an OS thing. The file on the SD card configures something in the chipset, not the OS. I suspect this will work on IoT Core for a long while.

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thank you. so finally that means theres a viable solution for running windows iot with hardware acceleration at 1080p? that awesome.
now only i didnt have to fly it into europe :slight_smile:

Minnowboard Max/Turbot devices have hardware accelerated graphics as well. Their TPM is only half there, though. The DragonBoard supports Azure key storage AND bitlocker, while the Max/Turbot only support enough TPM features to enable bitlocker.

It is hard to find one board that “has it all”. If the DragonBoard had a realtime clock, it would be very close to ideal.

I also ran the DragonBoard on 1080p! But can someone adapt this code for the 1024x600 touch screen?
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks in advance.

After adding the panelcfg.xml to the sd card, the 1080p resolution works, but is there a way to change the dpi scaling for uwp apps?

@andy66 @miroslav.chakarov

In Insider Preview 10.0.17733.1000 they fixed the problem with Full HD on Dragonboard 410c.

They also fixed the issue with scaling ratio (150%) so finally 1920x1080 is not longer scaled from 1280x720 (150%)


Thank you for reporting this. I can’t find any changelog for this insider build, do you have a link?

Edit: Found the changelog, but there is no description about this fix.

Best Regards