I keep getting this error. I already tried to delete everything and start over. Also yes i’m using sudo.
What i try to do eventually is to edit BL1 so that i can run some simple custom code. Without having to run UEFI with an efi application. If there is a way to only get BL1 on the board and run without going through this whole build proces please tell me. I was able to compile BL1 alone.
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [/home/nourdin/Documents/thesis/HikeyTools/BuildUefi/edk2/Build/HiKey960/DEBUG_GCC5/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi/PeiUniCore/DEBUG/ArmPlatformPrePiUniCore.dll] Error 1build.py…
: error 7000: Failed to execute command
make tbuild [/home/nourdin/Documents/thesis/HikeyTools/BuildUefi/edk2/Build/HiKey960/DEBUG_GCC5/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi/PeiUniCore]build.py…
: error 7000: Failed to execute command
make tbuild [/home/nourdin/Documents/thesis/HikeyTools/BuildUefi/edk2/Build/HiKey960/DEBUG_GCC5/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain]build.py…
: error F002: Failed to build module
/home/nourdin/Documents/thesis/HikeyTools/BuildUefi/edk2/ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi/PeiUniCore.inf [AARCH64, GCC5, DEBUG]
- Failed -
Build end time: 14:20:02, Mar.06 2018
Build total time: 00:00:46
Hikey960 DEBUG fail
pass 0
fail 1