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Android automotive 9/10 with dual display support - <strong>dragonboard</strong> 845c - 96Boards Forum

Android automotive 9/10 with dual display support

I am currently working on a POC with below requirements,


  • Android 9/10 automotive ( with buildable source code )


  • Dual display running parallel (one for Android UI another for cluster instrument )

  • LTE 4g connectivity

  • CAN bus interface to gather sensor data over CAN.

So can anyone help me to provide details that dragonboard 845C can help to achieve them ?


Can anyone help me in here ?


Hi @user0x11,

We’re not able to supply you with a guide for implementing this, but we can help you with specific issues.

As for you getting started I would start with:

Hi @robertfoss ,

Thank you for your quick response.

At lest can i know that weather dual display is supported parallel and CAN bus and LTE interface are available for android automotive 9/10?


You’ll find the this information in the hardware documentation:

But to answer your questions;

Thanks a lot for proper guidance,
One last query, we can build automotive for DB845c, so can we modify AOSP related changes for DB845 ?


Update: I looked into the 96boards AOSP repo, and there does seem to exist db845c support.

I don’t think I understand your question. But you can make any changes you like to the AOSP repos.


I have cloned the code but not able to find car combo in lunch menu.
But i figure out this link How can I bring up dragonboard 845c with Android Automotive 11 - #3 by
Will this wok in bringup android automotive in 845C ?
is it stable car build for 845C ?


I’m not at all familiar with the automotive versions of AOSP, but the URL you pasted seems to contain the android-device you need for db845c_car-userdebug.

Hi @robertfoss,

So can we get any help on that ?


If you find issues or bugs then yes, but we can’t build the platform for you. Android Automotive is not explicitly supported.