Reference Platform Build – CE OpenEmbedded
Build description:
- Build URL:,MACHINE=dragonboard-845c,label=docker-buster-amd64/99/
- Manifest URL:
- Manifest branch: qcom/dunfell
- Manifest commit: 429b5e7
Manifest changes
changed projects : bitbake changed from 6cc09fa33131f71a3fd0e336ff07a4186b41bf8f to 1d3892d93ee9688d69f5bb5ea6aef8b1152bd1e3 [+] 1d3892d9 msg: Avoid issues where paths have relative components [+] 6d780fe3 runqueue: Avoid unpickle errors in rare cases [+] a7fc2ae3 siggen: Fix error when hash equivalence has an exception [+] 1a7bddb5 hashserv: Chunkify large messages [+] 767aa931 test/fetch: change to better svn source [+] 83296870 tests/fetch: Switch from to a YP mirror layers/meta-arm changed from 43daf992a50bcb56c2940766f526d2e580f4bd89 to 8bd36000463fe6ddd6b48ffed1e2c0dd20ce9b70 [+] 8bd3600 arm-bsp : Introduce TC0 platform and BSP [+] ac0e929 arm: Introduce 4.19 android Common Kernel [+] 9af4348 properly link triplet-prefixed binaries [+] d5bc263 gcc-aarch64-none-elf: properly set ${S} that is different from default [+] dfafcf9 arm-toolchain: merge binary toolchain recipes [+] 24181d4 arm-toolchain: gcc-aarch64-none-elf: Add recipe [+] e6ff4eb arm-toolchain: gcc-arm-none-eabi-native: Add recipe [+] d13eb33 arm-bsp/scp-firmware: Build SCP MCP firmware for N1SDP [+] 9386db1 arm/scp-firmware : allow setting scp log level to INFO or WARN [+] 59ad28e arm/fiptool : provides fiptool for packaging [+] 3e11c65 arm-bsp/edk2-firmware: fix destsuffix and PV for recursion error [+] ce61302 arm/edk2-firmware: fix passing of linker flags [+] d7487f9 arm-bsp: Build UEFI EDK2 firmware for N1SDP [+] 7df6774 meta-arm: Add UEFI EDK2 support for Arm platforms [+] 0465b4c arm-autonomy, xenguest-manager: Guest creation failure cleanup [+] 4ef8eae arm-autonomy, xenguest: Fail if Dom0 is not properly initialized [+] 042b6c7 arm-bsp: Move to linux-linaro-arm for fvp-base and foundation-armv8 layers/meta-browser changed from 0acb73cd19d7ae3d105f2ae5ef2aa02e8d6c2a35 to ee3be3b5986a4aa0e73df2204a625ae1fe5df37e [+] ee3be3b chromium: update to 83.0.4103.116 [+] d0c857d chromium: Replace some custom patches with upstream backports. [+] 3265d36 chromium: update to 83.0.4103.97 layers/meta-clang changed from deaba90e3122e4c4b3849b384cb7a251a0e07ed4 to ee1dcdfbb8d31f168b26c2e3e5be97efea6537df [+] ee1dcdf busybox: Rename bbappend to apply for 1.31 version alone [+] 6f59a9e clang: usrmerge workaround [+] 3054a52 clang: honor --dyld-prefix when searching for dynamic linker [+] 14a52c3 bcc: Fix KBUILD_MODNAME errors for kernel 5.7 and latter [+] 18581f3 clang: Update to 10.0.1-rc2 [+] 1c04342 meta-environment: Conditionally add clang specific environment variables [+] 016b92f python3: Cant run profile binaries in qemu when built with clang layers/meta-openembedded changed from 8a72d29e0876830ffd96b85d7d0308302eb07a5d to cc6fc6b1641ab23089c1e3bba11e0c6394f0867c [+] cc6fc6b16 ntp: update 4.2.8p15 [+] 41f84f6ea python3-sqlalchemy: Upgrade 1.3.12 -> 1.3.17 [+] c5f960590 tcpreplay: upgrade 4.3.2 -> 4.3.3 [+] c5e0758f4 openh264: upgrade 2.1.0 -> 2.1.1 [+] 63844270a linuxptp: Fix segmentation fault on 32 bit platforms with 64 bit time_t [+] 1f145080d libtalloc: fix upstream url [+] 2bf806898 twm: upgrade 1.0.10 -> 1.0.11 [+] 6ab0a2d5f openipmi: upgrade 2.0.28 -> 2.0.29 [+] 28941dde0 protobuf-c: disable parallelism to avoid race condition [+] c02460f83 fuse3: upgrade 3.9.1 -> 3.9.2 [+] 554b2ad45 rsnapshot: upgrade 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 [+] e4fa60987 zstd: Upgrade 1.4.4 -> 1.4.5 [+] 259178689 python3-m2crypto: add the missing rdepends [+] 9621a82f4 python-django: set CVE_PRODUCT to be django [+] f0cfde76c python-m2crypto: Add RDEPENDS [+] 6c2d6061a python-django: add RDEPENDS [+] c82fa13d0 mm-common: upgrade 1.0..0 -> 1.0.1 [+] 7a0afbee3 haveged: upgrade 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 [+] 1bdcdb388 nftables: upgrade 0.9.4 -> 0.9.5 [+] efa21186f libnftnl: upgrade 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 [+] 2535e2b9d jpnevulator: upgrade 2.3.4 -> 2.3.5 [+] af2aa3340 libvpx: upgrade 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2 [+] d2b6c35ed libblockdev: upgrade 2.23 -> 2.24 [+] 666cc4c33 postgresql: 12.2 -> 12.3 [+] 5fe3defa4 zile: properly append PACKAGECONFIG [+] ee6dace2f netkit-rsh: properly append PACKAGECONFIG [+] e05b11b35 proj: upgrade 7.0.0 -> 7.0.1 [+] 2b384c597 jsoncpp: upgrade 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3 [+] b3839e17f uriparser: upgrade 0.9.3 -> 0.9.4 [+] 47326ba40 zchunk: upgrade 1.1.5 -> 1.1.6 layers/meta-qcom changed from 3e9b152744d3274ea26b7dc1ebb1011c3b8eec8b to 2778e164cd0427277e37fc03c8ed19179da1613b [+] 2778e16 Merge pull request #173 from alimon/dunfell [+] baf3bf1 recipes-kernel: Linux 5.7 bump to 5.7.7 (21bb88052948) [+] eb5d2bc Merge pull request #171 from alimon/dunfell [+] d235c42 linux-linaro-qcomlt-dev: add recipe for building integration tree [+] 31a8fcf linux-linaro-qcomlt-5.7: support qrb5165-rb5 machine [+] 0f0f7e9 qrb5165-rb5: add machine config file for Qualcomm RB5 platform [+] 91ac585 linux-linaro-qcomlt_5.7: enable for sm8250 SoC [+] 6e5ec6a sm8250-mtp.conf: add initial support for SM8250-MTP board [+] 8f3dc07 Merge pull request #164 from alimon/dunfell [+] 2288b58 recipes-kernel: Linux 5.7 bump to 5.7.5 (37b31489130d) [+] c35a7ef Merge pull request #166 from olivierschonken/dunfell-fw [+] cd0bf54 Remove broken venus-5.2 and venus-5.4 from linux-firmware [+] 88733e6 recipes-kernel: Linux 5.7 bump to 5.7.3 (a7ce3355155d) layers/meta-qt5 changed from fdd19517e17240b0b61765bd02fc483a1bde986f to 0e7015f7a86dda995a39662edbb5c26da647c496 [+] 0e7015f qtbase: Add vulkan to PACKAGECONFIGs layers/meta-virtualization changed from 5c2de3daedd3f65171b9debf938683ce6e7746ea to ffd787fb850e5a1657a01febc8402c74832147a1 [+] ffd787f ceph: fix CVE-2020-10736 layers/openembedded-core changed from 6fa967f194edd314c9026c80f8d93360ac6d9efa to cabaf5654db5db12b6576ef0ebae9bc7b422a8ca [+] cabaf5654d iso-codes: switch upstream branch master -> main [+] 0400d217d0 python3: fix CVE-2020-14422 [+] 98c4642c52 qemu: fix CVE-2020-10702/10761/13362/13659/13800 [+] 8eb5fad746 sqlite3: Security fix for CVE-2020-15358 [+] 602162c0e3 rootfs-postcommands: Improve/fix rootfs_check_host_user_contaminated [+] 198fe0d64e fix testimage occasionally failure [+] fa2cca514f oeqa/targetcontrol: Attempt to fix log closure warning message [+] a31c694be5 oeqa/selftest: recipetool/devtool: Avoid load_plugin test race [+] 838646da74 oeqa/core/loader: refine regex to find module [+] e921edd27e gtk-icon-cache.bbclass: add runtime dependency [+] 80bdd59c8f oescripts: ignore whitespaces when comparing lines [+] 9793d9b885 fix typo [+] 347e6fafea python3-libarchive-c: add the missing rdepends [+] d8606f5d38 common-licenses: fix filename of BSD-2-Clause-Patent [+] 6622515c1f initscripts: update postinst [+] 922a668e76 modutils-initscripts: update postinst [+] e032aed2f2 linux-yocto/5.4: update to v5.4.49 and -rt28 [+] a44069efe2 linux-yocto/5.4: update to v5.4.47 [+] b1a4c36066 linux-yocto/5.4: update to v5.4.46 [+] 87db4b3f73 linux-yocto-rt/5.4: update to rt25 [+] 7f9f4484e7 linux-yocto/5.4: update to v5.4.45 [+] 8c2f4dc79f u-boot: avoid blind merging all *.cfg [+] cd7ca887f7 u-boot: support merging .cfg files for UBOOT_CONFIG [+] 43b397c4a4 libdrm: upgrade 2.4.100 -> 2.4.101 [+] 2e128a775a u-boot: move redundant-yyloc-global patch to [+] 1373006c28 populate_sdk_ext: Fix to use python3, not python [+] 20e7b1eeeb oeqa/selftest: Clean up separate builddir in success case when non-threaded [+] 819f419061 checklayer: parse LAYERDEPENDS with bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2() [+] 42d5386cf2 linux-firmware: upgrade 20200519 -> 20200619 [+] e96d99824f kernel.bbclass: Fix Module.symvers support [+] 720d29cbfc wpa-supplicant: Security fix CVE-2020-12695 [+] 877a082b5f scripts/install-buildtools: Handle new format checksum files [+] bef009c91e scripts/install-buildtools: Update to 3.2 M1 buildtools [+] 458a860b45 testimage: enable ovmf support [+] 1a5cb1bd56 runqemu: add QB_ROOTFS_EXTRA_OPT parameter [+] 394d90efdc oeqa/runtime/cases/ptest: Make output content path absolute [+] 9034ac9351 oeqa/utils/command: Improve stdin handling in runCmd [+] 773f97c6f5 oeqa/selftest/runcmd: Add better debug for thread count mismatch failures [+] 60ae9e6d31 pseudo: Fix attr errors due to incorrect library resolution issues [+] 24f4f4551d mime.bbclass: fix post install scriptlet error [+] b1d0eacc43 systemd-serialgetty: do not use BindsTo [+] cee916d41a ell: upgrade 0.31 -> 0.32 [+] e4d5c99aba u-boot: introduce UBOOT_INITIAL_ENV [+] f42702baee curl: Security fixes for CVE-2020-{8169/8177} [+] d9c5d9c52e perl: fix CVE-2020-10543 & CVE-2020-10878 [+] 3f69946c61 dbus: fix CVE-2020-12049 [+] 1a98936830 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: add support for vdpau [+] e48425a7e8 meson.bbclass: avoid unexpected operating-system names [+] 50789b5829 recipetool: create: fix SRCBRANCH not being passed to params [+] 9142c12c0f apr-util: make gdbm optional [+] 0774070482 linux-firmware: add ice for Intel E800 series driver [+] 03799cf614 go.bbclass: Add `-trimpath` to default build flags [+] e953be6c15 go-dep: Avoid use of 'go mod' support [+] 229ee71cbc glide: Avoid use of 'go mod' support [+] a0716c04ed go-mod.bbclass: Add class for `go mod` support [+] 71c8667fca net-tools: backport a patch from upstream to use the same ifconfig format as debian/ubuntu [+] fdd06278dc classes/archiver: Create patched archive before configuring [+] f5b7bb5f34 common-licenses: add BSD-2-Clause-Patent [+] 9ca9c0fa32 buildhistory-collect-srcrevs: sort directories [+] 5aaf9d3a74 perl: Fix host specific modules problems [+] c672d2b6c9 bind: update to 9.11.19 [+] 76a63a5e1d libpam: Remove option 'obscure' from common-password [+] cd2c54d8ab install-buildtools: remove hardcoded x86-64 architecture [+] deed12d01f install-buildtools: fail if an error occurs [+] ceffd920c7 relocatable.bbclass: Avoid an exception if an empty pkgconfig dir exist [+] 3ee98b6c9d mtd-utils: Fix return value of ubiformat [+] e6e2cabc33 systemd: Sync systemd-serialgetty@.service with upstream [+] f47fe24317 buildtools-tarball: export OPENSSL_CONF in environment setup [+] 9a45c7fb2d recipetool: Fix list concatenation when using edit [+] 0e4985236d qemu: fix CVE-2020-13361 [+] 68b2dc03e5 vim: restore the 'chmod -x' workaround in do_install [+] ba94c908b9 encodings: clear postinst script [+] 7910a0d6f3 wpa-supplicant: remove service templates from SYSTEMD_SERVICE [+] f54c3c049e mdadm: remove service template from SYSTEMD_SERVICE [+] c84c3caff4 ltp: Add missing dependencies on coreutils, bc, e2fsprogs and gdb [+] 72b7c3c7a3 populate_sdk_base.bbclass: fix warning: name not matched [+] ca815f2d6f powertop: switch to Arjan's git [+] d350a0ca19 patchelf: switch to git [+] 6372f78c24 u-boot-tools: backport patch from upstream to fix gcc 10 builds [+] 71391aab99 acpica: Upgrade 20200214 -> 20200430 for gcc-10 fixes [+] a3cb468746 valgrind: Backport upstream patch to fix __getauxval needs [+] 48c53bc819 valgrind: Do not use outline-atomics on aarch64 [+] 7457e6e2a2 syslinux: Fix build with gcc10 [+] 41bf4adead squashfs-tools: Backport fix for compiling with gcc 10 [+] 7a0f9b4fed wayland: fix condition for strndup detection [+] 04e5d5f5a4 glibc: Update to latest on 2.31 branch [+] 9078c611dd matchbox-wm: Replace -fcommon with fix [+] a0fb1e3eab menu-cache: Replace -fcommon with fix [+] a4f975a0bc at-spi2-atk: Remove -fcommon [+] eb47eaa3f0 mesa: Remove -fcommon [+] 06a841e228 libxcrypt2: Remove -fcommon [+] 433d385615 iproute2: Remove -fcommon [+] 21e5677cf2 cpio: add patch to fix issues with gcc 10 [+] c41fe48f32 binutils: add patch to fix issues with gcc 10 [+] 55e2f218de libcomps: update to 0.1.15 [+] 8dd95a6b93 dtc: update to 1.6.0 [+] b71ea7245a gdbm: add patch to fix link failure against gcc 10 [+] 4745fcf057 libtirpc: remove extra "-fcommon" from CFLAGS [+] 1497ec4e8e libtirpc: upgrade 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6 [+] d9de155f64 vim: _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 be gone [+] 17fad96d3d build-sysroots: add sysroot paths with native binaries to PATH [+] 1f17a1ef71 linux-firmware: upgrade 20200421 -> 20200519 [+] b45f1a3b80 db: do not install db_verify if 'verify' is not enabled [+] dce2315ea2 qemu: force build type to production [+] 6812affe76 oe-selftest: Recursively patch test case paths [+] 27cec9c111 oe-selftest: Allow overriding the build directory used for tests [+] b69ec712c6 archiver: Fix test case for srpm archiver mode [+] faaf5f3433 patchelf: Add patch to address corrupt shared library issue [+] cf7e02e8cd cogl: point to correct HOMEPAGE [+] 99f6de1c74 cve-check: include epoch in product version output [+] bd2d32903f oeqa/targetcontrol: Rework exception handling to avoid warnings [+] 5e33d1d1d6 cairo: Do not try to remove nonexistent directories [+] 3f8f138542 logrotate: Drop obsolete setting/comment [+] 5a16ed258e maintainers: Update Ross' email address [+] 44d22ea87f lz4: disable static library [+] 7c3eb09239 sysfsutils: rem leftover settings for libsysfs-dev [+] 29ada65210 util-linux: alternatify rtcwake [+] 074adb5079 ltp: Exclude the memcg_stress tests due to timeout problems [+] 176da1d6fb core-image-minimal-initramfs: keep restriction with initramfs-module-install