I have Rock64 and I am using the same usb serial cable, it works with 1.5M baurdrate.
I have got the serial console to work properly on from the uart debug pins,
But still some garbage in the output.
How can we get the 96board uart to work on Rock960 boards.
sudo picocom -b 1500000 -r -l /dev/ttyUSB0
root@localhort8~# ifconfig
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10
lonp txqueuelen 1 (Local Loopback)
RX packdtr 522 bytes 35810 (34.8 J@)
RX errorr 0 droppd 0 overruns 0 dr
le 0
TX pbjdts 002 bytes 35810 (35.8 JB) TX errors 0 dropp`` 0 oterruns 0 carrier 0 bnhh
rhnns 0
p 00,0.0.!17 ndtlbj 0 4.044,055. bro
dbart 00, ,0, hldp6 d00008002
428:088f:0d0 ```dhph@L 44 rbopdhd 0x 08h
lb ndt4 20028
06000d:643d802@b0bb4 ``@d
xldl 60 rbnphd 0x08fhn``H< hl
t4 00 0b 0
&0860d 0$@@00 @0000
0 dDHpHdL$ bbn`@@@ p 8fHn@@h @`@@`Bb0 `0&"0 0640`0 pp`````H`L @p`@pL@` @`@BB
b 00 @p@b && " 0&,6 H@ @``N
b @pnp@
nd@Lb D`@H@ PP`@BB@`b $0$@p`@r"20 0 ""0 !@``N`b @`N``@@ Nd@
lb B@``@@ BNHH@b@NL
Best Regards